Read Fundamentals of Algebra and Trigonometry

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Fundamentals of Algebra and Trigonometry

This classic in the series of highly respected Swokowski/Cole mathematics texts retains the elements that have made it so popular with instructors and students alike: it is clearly written, the time-tested exercise sets feature a variety of applications, its exposition is clear, its uncluttered layout is appealing, and the difficulty level of problems is appropriate and consistent. Now this Ninth Edition of Fundamentals of Algebra and Trigonometry has been improved in three important ways. First, discussions have been rewritten to enable students to more easily understand the mathematical concepts presented. Second, exercises have been added that require students to estimate, approximate, interpret a result, write a summary, create a model, explore, or find a generalization. Third, graphing calculators have been incorporated to a greater extent through the addition of examples and exercises as well as the inclusion of a cross-referenced appendix on the use of the TI-82/83. All of this has been accomplished without compromising the mathematical integrity that is the hallmark of this text.

publishedDate : 1981

authors : Earl William Swokowski

publishers : Prindle, Weber & Schmidt

pageCount : 563

ISBN : 0871503077