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Fundamentals of Biomaterials
Introduction to Biomaterials is an entry level Biomaterials book for advanced undergraduate and graduate students covering the fundamental relationship between structure and properties, and certain aspects of design and engineering. The importance of these materials, both in their intrinsic properties and specific functions, will be illustrated with relevant examples. The successful integration of material and biological properties, architecture and shape, providing a wide range of optimized designs, tailored to specific functions is the ultimate aim of a biomaterials scientist, and information to serve this purpose will be provided in a single voice, ensuring clarity, homogeneity, and continuity of the text and material. As a result an entry level biomaterials student will be gradually familiarized with the field starting with materials and their properties, reactions between the materials and the biological medium, followed with classical as well as novel examples. It will therefore extend from basic material properties to the hottest topics such as Tissue Engineering, Nanobiomaterials, Nanotechnology, and Guided Tissue Regeneration.
publishedDate : 2018-11-26
authors : Vasif Hasirci, Nesrin Hasirci
publishers : Springer
pageCount : 338
ISBN : 1493988565