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Fundamentals of Network Security
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.This hands-on, project-based approach to the fundamentals of network security concepts and skills helps students understand security best practices, laws, and standards that will enable them to build a complete security program.This book introduces a strong foundation that includes security policy, planning, and development of good processes. A step-by-step design teaches students security implementation using recent advances in security tools, such as firewalls, VPN's, encryption, techniques, and intrusion detection devises. Platform-specific defenses are revealed for the desktop, Windows networks, UNIX, Internet, and wireless systems. Laws and government regulation are also covered, including the Patriot Act, homeland security initiatives, and special information on relevant state laws.
publishedDate : 2004
authors : Eric Maiwald
publishers : McGraw Hill Professional
pageCount : 645
ISBN : 0072230932