Read Design Fundamentals of High Temperature Composites, Intermet
Download Design Fundamentals of High Temperature Composites, Intermetallics, and Metal-ceramics Systems Book.
Design Fundamentals of High Temperature Composites, Intermetallics, and Metal-ceramics Systems
Focusing on the physico-chemical fundamentals of advanced material processing, this volume addresses composite interface stability, modeling of interfacial reactions, defects in intermetallic compounds, thermodynamics and kinetics of interfacial reactions, solidification and phase equilibria, fundamentals of high-temperature materials joining, and the relationship between chemical and mechanical stabilities. This is the first time that, collectively, both thermodynamic and kinetic issues are addressed for metal and ceramic composites as well as intermetallics.
publishedDate : 1996
authors : Ray Y. Lin
publishers : The Society
pageCount : 451
ISBN : 0873393058